La Maggiò Costruzioni srl
Environmental Policy
1) Purpose of the policy
2) Areas of application
3) Our approach to environmental protection
4) General principles
a) Principle of prevention
b) Legislative compliance
c) Reduction of the environmental impact
- Energy efficiency and renewable energies
- Resource Management and Waste Reduction
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Consumption of Materials
- Consumption and water quality
- Air quality
- Chemical management
d) Continuous improvement
e) Responsible management of the supply chain
f) Staff awareness
g) Monitoring and communication
1) Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for La Maggiò Costruzioni srl in order to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations regarding sustainability and management of environmental resources.
Environmental protection is a fundamental value of the company, which has always been present since its foundation and which guides the management and development of its activities.
We are committed to collaborating and encouraging our business partners to uphold the principles of this Policy and to adopt similar policies within their companies.
2) Areas of application
This policy applies as a minimum set of rules to La Maggiò Costruzioni srl. The company must adopt more stringent rules and procedures, as needed and in accordance with local laws and regulations.
In carrying out its management and coordination activities, La Maggiò respects the autonomy of each employee, worker or supplier, managing and controlling the activity as a whole, according to the legitimate business interests, taking into account the confidentiality requirements and applicable laws.
3) Our approach to protecting the environment
We base our business activity on respect for the values set out in our Code of Ethics, in the belief that business conduct cannot ignore ethical and environmental protection aspects. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws in the countries in which we operate. We firmly believe that we have the responsibility to operate in compliance with the rules of the countries in which we are present, distinguishing ourselves as a company capable of exporting the values that permeate our actions, promoting them in the communities in which we operate.
The activity of La Maggiò is governed by our Code of Ethics which was approved by resolution of the Board of Directors of La Maggiò Costruzioni for the adoption of the Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Our strategies for sustainable development pursue the continuous improvement of aspects related to the environment, taking into account the laws and regulations of each country in which we operate and the principles contained in the guidelines and applicable international standards, including:The company considers the protection of the environment in which it operates to be of utmost importance and favors the development of initiatives that progressively reduce the impact of its activities and increase the awareness and sensitivity of all the stakeholders involved.
- UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard;
- The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development;
- The Paris Agreement of 2015;
- Directive 2009/28 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, modified by Directive 2015/1513 / EC;
- Regulation (EC) no. 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2006 on waste shipments;
- The Directive (EU) 2015/1513 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 amending Directive 98/70 / EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel and amending Directive 2009/28 / EC on the promotion of use of energy from renewable sources.
4) General principles
As a general rule, in order to protect the natural environment, La Maggiò Costruzioni aims to reduce the environmental impact of its operations, supply chain and products for customers, designed to comply with all statutory and voluntary standards and regulations.
Environmental sustainability does not simply mean more efficient energy consumption and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but in a broad sense it also means having a more harmonious relationship with Nature. This translates into a profound sense of responsibility in the use of the resources necessary for the proper performance of the company's activities as well as in the management of the resulting impacts.
In our strategies and operations, we consider the following principles:
We are committed to assessing the current and potential impact of our activities on the environment. We adopt a precautionary and preventive approach in the management of environmental problems and we promote the use of the best available technologies and raw materials with a lower environmental impact.
La Maggiò Costruzioni is implementing its ISO 9001 quality management system, the ISO 14001 environmental management system to build long-term success and create options to contribute to sustainable development by protecting the environment, preventing or mitigating negative environmental impacts.
La Maggiò will encourage the use and extension of IS014001 certifications to suppliers, customers and related production companies.
The ISO 14001 standard currently being adopted is based on risk assessment together with preventive actions aimed at minimizing the impact that its business has on the environment. The purpose of "strategic risk management" is to focus the top management, and their team, both to devote more time to evaluating, researching and understanding the aspects that may present risks to the environment, and to implement these actions before that any environmental impact is felt, rather than intervening during or after.
4.b) Legislative compliance
We are committed to constantly monitoring regulatory developments in the environmental field, to ensure that processes already present on our sites or recently introduced always comply with applicable legal requirements. We constantly monitor our activities to ensure effective compliance with laws and regulations and to prevent any illegal practices.
4.c) Reduction of the environmental impact
We are committed to reducing the impact and extent of our emissions into air, water and soil, to reduce our waste production, to properly manage waste and to reuse and recycle it before final disposal, to protect the biodiversity and to contain greenhouse gas emissions.
Currently, we are focused on the following key environmental objectives:
- energy efficiency and renewable energies: limiting energy consumption, favoring efficient solutions and the diffusion of a culture of energy saving in order to allow the reduction of the group's general impact on climate change. Adopt all the necessary measures to analyze the company energy system and related consumption and define possible improvement measures in terms of energy efficiency. Furthermore, La Maggiò is focused on the progressive increase in the use of renewable sources for the purchase of energy;
- resource management and waste reduction: promoting efficient waste management and the disposal of used materials, maximizing recycling and reuse. In compliance with current regulations, the company draws up an annual report of waste by type and disposal.
- greenhouse gas emissions: limit emissions of atmospheric pollutants (greenhouse gases) by adopting the best available technology and respecting environmental regulations. The company undertakes not to produce significant atmospheric emissions and is constantly committed to reducing direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions.
- consumption of materials: providing transparency in the choice of materials used, ensuring compliance with quality standards and the limitation of environmental impacts;
- Water consumption and quality: the company periodically monitors the discharges of industrial, domestic and rainwater, carrying out the necessary water analyzes in order to analyze the content of the water discharges and, consequently, limiting water consumption and polluting discharges.
- Air quality: the company promotes electric mobility among its initiatives for improving air quality; with the collaboration of suppliers, partners, organizations and institutions, charging towers were made available free of charge for company staff with the aim of encouraging sustainable mobility and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- Chemical management: the company is committed to fully understanding the risks associated with chemicals and to avoiding disasters and accidents with negative consequences on human health, the ecosystem and the environment.
4.d) Continuous improvement
We are committed, where technically possible and economically feasible, to promote environmental protection and reduce the environmental impact of our operations, establishing improvement programs with short, medium and long-term objectives and targets. To this end, we want to guarantee environmental protection in the design phase of new products and processes, periodically reviewing them to minimize their environmental impacts.
4.e) Responsible management of the supply chain
We promote the protection and management of the environment throughout our production chain, involving our business partners, suppliers and our contractors as key players in our sustainability policy.
4.f) Staff awareness
We are committed to involving our people, at all levels, in the implementation of environmental policy through all appropriate measures and initiatives.
These include information and training activities, specifically aimed at promoting environmentally friendly behavior, compliance with legal requirements and the most rigorous internal procedures and ensuring that this policy is followed at all levels within the group.
4.g) Monitoring and communication
The entire management of La Maggiò is committed to monitoring and reducing environmental impacts. The company is committed to establishing and maintaining documented procedures to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment. This must include recording information to monitor performance, relevant operational controls, and compliance with the organization's environmental goals and targets.
We are committed to making our environmental policy document accessible to all interested parties, internally and externally.
Finally, we undertake to make public the relevant information on environmental aspects and impacts through the annual preparation and publication of the Group Sustainability Report, containing the performance indicators for the activities planned and implemented by the group in environmental matters.
This document was discussed, approved and signed by the Board of Directors of the company held on 21/11/2021 and a copy of this document was issued and illustrated to each employee of the company for inspection and approval. Given the absence of comments, this Policy is therefore intended to be signed by the entire company. Responsible for this document and for compliance with its procedures is the Sustainability Manager unanimously designated by the Board in the person of Arch. Matteo Maggiò, former Technical Director of the company and always available for the questions concerned at the specific address:
Musile di Piave, 21/11/2021